A few months ago, we published two series on prayer, covering "Reasons for Prayer" and "Types of Prayer." If you haven't had a chance to read them, I highly recommend revisiting those posts.
During prayer this morning, I sensed the Father directing me to reiterate the importance of prayer, especially in light of our current world events.
I strongly believe we are living in the final moments before the return of Jesus Christ. While many generations have felt they were on the cusp of His return, none seems as primed as ours.
Today, we are watching an increased number of Biblical prophecies coming to fulfillment at an alarming rate. The signs mentioned by Jesus in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 are transpiring more rapidly than any time in history.
The relentless increase of wars, earthquakes, natural disasters, moral decline, crime, drug addiction, political unrest, anarchy, violence, economic instability, famine, pestilence, and environmental challenges make it evident that the prophetic alerts from Matthew, Mark, and Luke are unfolding right before us.
How should we, as believers, conduct our lives? What should be our primary focus? Is it merely to amass wealth, seek comfort, or pursue the "American Dream?" While these may come as side benefits of God's blessings, they aren't His primary intention for our earthly existence.
Jesus said we are to be “Salt and Light.” This means our presence on earth should have an impact on society and those around us. We should either be instrumental in preserving God’s ways on earth or illuminating others as we endeavor to live Christ-centered lives according to His Word.
What Jesus Taught His Disciples About Prayer
In teaching His disciples to pray (Matthew 6:9-13), Jesus provided them with guiding principles. These principles were not to be mindlessly repeated like parrots, but an outline for them to follow in communicating with the Father.
It begins with reverence to the Father, longing for His Kingdom to manifest, and pleading for His will to prevail on earth.
It transitions to petitions for daily personal needs, then acknowledges the need to give and receive forgiveness.
The prayer culminates in recognition of God's supreme might and eternal dominion, honoring His everlasting glory and praise.
Prayer is one way we can be both a preservative influence and luminary beacon on earth. Through prayer, we are inviting the Father to have legal access to our affairs and the affairs of the earth. He has given us authority to seek His face and promises to answer (2 Chronicles 7:14) but the responsibility to pray is ours.
In another instance, the Lord admonished His disciples to always pray when He said:
"There was in a certain city a judge who did not fear God nor regard man. Now there was a widow in that city; and she came to him, saying, 'Get justice for me from my adversary.'
And he would not for a while; but afterward he said within himself, 'Though I do not fear God nor regard man, yet because this widow troubles me I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.' "
Then the Lord said, "Hear what the unjust judge said.
And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them?
I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?" Luke 18:1-8
Jesus underscored the necessity and urgency of prayer, concluding with a penetrating question relating to the faith of the generation present at His return.
Will there be anyone deeply rooted in faith, continuously pursuing the Father's will? Will a group of believers remain, dedicated to God's plans and purposes? Or will the entire world, including His followers, fully succumb to hedonism and unbelief?
Let’s always examine our hearts to see which category we fall into. If we are ensnared with the affairs of life and take no time to spend alone with the Father seeking His face, His will, His intervention, and purpose, we should be concerned and repent.
Most individuals reading this want to be people of faith, not part of the self-indulgent group living in unbelief when the Lord returns.
Discipline yourself to shake off complacency and luke-warmness towards God and decide to pursue Him with all of your heart. He has great plans for you, but you will only uncover them as you spend time with Him, loving Him, worshipping Him, and listening to His gentle whispers in your heart.
More next time, but until then, May God our Heavenly Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ, richly bless and keep you!
James Brown 10/09/2023