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Types of Prayer 3
We will now examine supplication in our series on types of prayer. As previously mentioned, supplication usually is an earnest prayer for

Types of Prayer 2
We began to study the various types of prayer in part 1 of this series. In part 2 we will look at scriptural examples of each to give us

Types of Prayer 1
In our recent series on ‘Reasons for Prayer’ we explained the scriptural basis for prayer with several examples.

Reasons for Prayer 5
Before closing out this series on reasons for prayer, I felt we should look at a few more reasons for the importance of prayer in a believer

Reasons for Prayer 4
Today we will continue to look at other scriptural examples of prayer and its positive impact.

Reasons for Prayer 3
Today we will begin looking at Biblical examples of how prayer powerfully changed the outcome of individuals

Reasons for Prayer 2
The disciples of Jesus came to Him one day and implored Him to teach them how to pray.

Reasons for Prayer 1
Today we will begin a new study on prayer. This is one of the most essential and vitally important subjects a believer can learn and put

Grace Empowers Us 5 we will briefly look at ways we, as believers and children of God, can grow in grace and increase the outflow of grace in our lives

Grace Empowers Us 4
As we continue our study of grace, we can understand it is much more than unmerited favor from God...

Grace Empowers Us 3
In our last two posts we began to demonstrate that grace is more than unmerited favor. It is also an empowering force from the Father, and

Grace Empowers Us 2
In our last post, we introduced the reality of grace being much more than God’s unmerited favor for salvation. We learned it is ...

Grace Empowers Us
In our last series we showed how grace has boundaries. Now we will look at the influence of grace and how it empowers us to live for God

Grace Has Boundaries 3
In part 1 and 2 of this series, we have shown Biblical examples of how God looks at grace, and the responsibility He places on the recipient

Grace Has Boundaries 2
Today Christians are barraged with all sorts of biblical interpretations on every type of media platform.

Grace Has Boundaries 1
In today's culture, many people are confused about grace. There are some who claim grace is a freedom from any or most restrictions.

Doctrines of Christ 9
In our final topic in the Doctrines of Christ series, we will examine what the scripture says (at least in part) about eternal judgment.

Doctrines of Christ 8
As we continue in our study of the Doctrines of Christ, we will look at the resurrection of the dead from the Old and New Testament.

Doctrines of Christ 7
As we continue with our study of the doctrines of Christ, we will take a deeper look at the doctrine of laying on of hands and what it means

Doctrines of Christ 6
Today we will continue our study of the Doctrines of Christ by looking at the doctrine of laying on of hands (Hebrews 6:2). First, we must

Doctrines of Christ 5
In our last post, we gave multiple scriptural examples of water baptism, and how the early church followed the command of the Lord

Doctrines of Christ 4
As we continue in our series on the Doctrines of Christ, we will now look at the doctrine of baptisms. There are several baptisms mentioned

Doctrines of Christ 3
In part 1 and 2 of this series, we began examining the doctrines of Christ spoken of in Hebrews 6:1-2,

Doctrines of Christ 2
In our recent post, we began discussing the fundamental doctrines of Christ spoken of in Hebrews 6:1-2.
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