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Loving God 2
We ended our last post saying, “Loving God and one another is our highest purpose in life. Other things are vitally important, but none as g
Loving God 1
We will begin a new series today on the topic of loving God. This will be one of our most important series because it is the core of serving
The Helper 9
The Holy Spirit, the Helper, is also called the Comforter in certain Bible translations.
The Helper 8
We have been learning about the Holy Spirit, who is the promised Helper, sent from the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ...
The Helper 7
In our last post we learned how the Holy Spirit, in Old Testament times, would come upon men and women for a specific task or function
The Helper 6
The more we study on the Person of the Holy Spirit, the more excited I become because He not only reveals Jesus to us but helps us...
The Helper 5
We will continue looking at God’s Word to learn more about the Third Person of the Godhead, the Helper, the Holy Spirit.
The Helper 4
Natural ability can only take us so far before we realize we lack the capacity, strength, wisdom, or character to continually walk pleasing
The Helper 3
The Helper, the Holy Spirit, is God’s Divine agent in the world today. Since the Day of Pentecost nearly 2000 years ago, He has been
The Helper 2
As we move on in our study of the Helper (the Holy Spirit) we will examine who He is and His indispensable role in the life of Jesus.
The Helper
Jesus promised the disciples He would send another Comforter (or Helper) when He ascended back to heaven.
The Necessity of Prayer 5
It should be apparent to most who are following the News, we are living in tumultuous times.
The Necessity of Prayer 4
One of the great men of prayer was E.M. Bounds. His writings have inspired millions to a diligent life of prayer and consecration....
The Necessity of Prayer 3
We’ll continue diving into the subject of the necessity of prayer, and cover reasons and examples for its relevance in our lives.
The Necessity of Prayer 2
Some believers approach prayer as a mere routine task, comparable to ticking off an item on their daily to-do list.
The Necessity of Prayer
A few months ago, we published two series on prayer, covering "Reasons for Prayer" and "Types of Prayer." If you haven't had a chance to
The Lamb of God 4
We have briefly looked at the origin of sin, and why the Father’s redemptive plan required Jesus Christ, His Son, to become the Lamb of God.
The Lamb of God 3
We have looked at scripture and learned the penalty for sin is death. We also discovered God’s remedy was through Christ’s sacrificial ....
The Lamb of God 2
As we continue our study on the Lamb of God, we’ll begin with a prophecy given by the prophet Isaiah approximately seven hundred
The Lamb of God 1
Today we will begin exploring a basic understanding of Jesus Christ as the Lamb of God. This topic has been widely and deeply covered by ...
Not of This World 3
Will this world continue forever, or is there a dramatic future change on the horizon that will do away with the planet and systems as we kn
Not of This World 2
As we continue with our study, let us look at ways we can avoid the trap
of becoming like the world.
Not of This World
What does the term ‘worldliness’ mean to us as believers? Also how can we avoid the traps and distractions the enemy of our soul uses...
Faith 4
We have established a solid foundation for living by faith. How, though, are we able to maintain our faith? How are we able to strengthen ou
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