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Be Filled With the Spirit 3
When the Bible instructs us to do something it becomes our responsibility to act upon it because it is not a suggestion....

Be Filled With the Spirit
During early morning prayer I heard the words, “Be filled with the Spirit,” in my spirit and sensed the Father showing me how...

The Family of God
God’s desire has always been to have a family. When He created Adam and Eve, He wanted a family.

Does Sin Bring Judgment? 3
Sometimes God in His mercy, will allow (a temporal) judgment to come upon an individual in hopes they will repent and turn to Him. As we...

God’s Mercy 2
Today while reading Isaiah chapter 3, I felt such a deep concern for the world and especially the United States of America because this...

The Lamb of God 4
We have briefly looked at the origin of sin, and why the Father’s redemptive plan required Jesus Christ, His Son, to become the Lamb of God.

The Lamb of God 3
We have looked at scripture and learned the penalty for sin is death. We also discovered God’s remedy was through Christ’s sacrificial ....

The Lamb of God 2
As we continue our study on the Lamb of God, we’ll begin with a prophecy given by the prophet Isaiah approximately seven hundred

The Lamb of God 1
Today we will begin exploring a basic understanding of Jesus Christ as the Lamb of God. This topic has been widely and deeply covered by ...

More on Grace
Although we planned to begin a new topic, I decided to continue our study on grace and how it compares

Grace Empowers Us 5 we will briefly look at ways we, as believers and children of God, can grow in grace and increase the outflow of grace in our lives

Grace Empowers Us 4
As we continue our study of grace, we can understand it is much more than unmerited favor from God...

Grace Empowers Us 3
In our last two posts we began to demonstrate that grace is more than unmerited favor. It is also an empowering force from the Father, and

Grace Empowers Us 2
In our last post, we introduced the reality of grace being much more than God’s unmerited favor for salvation. We learned it is ...

Grace Empowers Us
In our last series we showed how grace has boundaries. Now we will look at the influence of grace and how it empowers us to live for God

Grace Has Boundaries 3
In part 1 and 2 of this series, we have shown Biblical examples of how God looks at grace, and the responsibility He places on the recipient

Grace Has Boundaries 2
Today Christians are barraged with all sorts of biblical interpretations on every type of media platform.

Grace Has Boundaries 1
In today's culture, many people are confused about grace. There are some who claim grace is a freedom from any or most restrictions.
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